Then, your tooth will be cleaned and polished as well as etched – this roughens the surface of the tooth, which allows for a strong bonding process to take place. When the tooth is properly positioned, a light beam is applied to the dental veneer, activating chemicals in the cement, causing the veneer to harden quickly. When this is done, our dental professionals will evaluate your bite and make any final adjustments that may be necessary in order to give you your perfect smile.
You will then be required to return for a check up so our dental professionals can evaluate how your gums are responding to veneers.
How long does the procedure take?
Usually the process of veneers takes place over two visits. This can take between 1 and 2 weeks.
How long do veneers last?
Generally, veneers last between 5-10 years. After this time, veneers would need to be replaced.
What do I have to do after the procedure?
It is important to maintain good oral hygiene after the procedure – brushing at least twice a day with a fluoride based toothpaste, flossing regularly as well as using a mouth rinse. Even though porcelain veneers are stain resistant, our dental professionals do advise avoiding smoking, red wine, tea, coffee and anything else that could potentially leave stains.
We offer flexible payment plans, and private health rebates may apply.